We offer our services free of charge to those living with cancer, therefore any help you can give us is greatly appreciated. If you can help, whether in the garden, fund raising, housekeeping, or can offer any therapies we would love to hear from you. In return we offer a genuine sense of achievement and purpose.
Would You Like To Be A Friend OF The Old Mill?
Fund raising events of all kind
New fundraising ideas
Donation of prizes for raffles etc
Promoting awareness of the Old Mill Foundation
Most of all, we need caring people with enthusiasm , patience and skills of all kinds
The Old Mill Foundation provides holistic therapies for adults affected by cancer. We offer complementary therapies to go alongside people’s usual medical care and we offer these treatments to carers too. All our qualified therapists are volunteers, and we offer specialised cancer training and workshops on the job. It is an extremely rewarding way of using your therapy and as one volunteer put it “I have seen how much people’s lives have been changed for the better and I feel privileged to be a part of it”.
We also need volunteers who will help make a cup of tea and have a chat with people, especially if you have been affected by cancer yourself, or cared for a loved one. You’ll know just how someone else feels and this can be just as valuable as any therapy.
If you would like to talk to us about volunteering give us a ring on 01792 851553